It is often difficult to express the feelings of discouragement, detachment, isolation, and self-doubt that come with being the anomaly of the tech industry. After a career of 4+ years at giant Silicon Valley tech companies, where racial diversity amongst my colleagues is – ahem – nil, I believe it is the appropriate time to speak out about the dangers and the reality of stereotype threat.
Minority Report

Examine the chart above.
For every 100 Googlers, 30 are women. 2 are black.
Yawn. Those numbers are starting to sound familiar (sorry, but I am looking at you, Yahoo and Apple and Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter). The numbers don’t sound promising for someone who looks like me. Google and others humbly published their diversity statistics, but those big data reveals – supporting empirical evidence that had already been identified – only reintroduced an unwelcome wave of the...